Minecraft is an attractive survival game, coming to the gameyou will be able to explore a new world, a world made up of cubes.
In the survival Mincraft game, the player's main task is tocontrol 1, 2 or 3 characters to move together in the large Minecraft world,
collect all the coins available on the map and return home one day. safe way.
Style play:
Minecraft is an open world where players can do everythingwith the ultimate aim of survival. The game has 2 viewing angles, the first and
the third, players can choose according to their preferences to enjoy the game
world in the most comfortable way.
Minecraft world is created from cubes, players combine cubesto create tools and weapons, besides you can create massive architecture from
cubes. In general at
paper minecraft the cube is everything.
Game mode:
Can customize 3 levels (Peacefull - Easy - Hard)
Starting from empty hands, you can play according to thestory or build a survival house like Robinson Cruise. Experience the player
like real survival, with parameters of hunger, other, disease, poisoned, ...
Everything in this mode, you have to find by yourself, theitems are assembled according to the recipe, so be careful to collect the wrong
During the game, Monsters like: Zombie, Skelecton, etc. willattack to destroy and kill you, so you need to be on guard at all times.